
Long Term Plan

School Music Development Plan

At Brading Primary School, we want our children to build a love of music in a variety of ways. We want them to be able to express themselves through this medium whilst making key links to the curriculum. By exploring a range of musicians and instruments, the children will be exposed to a broader understanding of the importance of music in our society.

We will ensure that there are plenty of opportunities for whole school and class enrichment through music lessons directed by our specialist music teacher, as well as music based clubs. Music will also be a focus within collective worship where we will learn new hymns each half term. We follow a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum and plan opportunities to learn music within a wider context alongside other curriculum subjects. We will also participate in local music events such as in church as our music hub sessions.

During their musical education, children will also develop their cultural capital. Through comprehensive and structured lessons, children will understand and apply subject specific vocabulary. Children will also have the opportunity to perform and develop musical skills in events such as music hub and school performances as Harvest, Easter and Christmas. As a result, children will develop a love of music and an appreciation of different music forms from the UK and across the world.