Malta Class


Welcome to Malta class! 

Malta Class is a class of Year 3 children and will be taught by Miss Chloe Fuller. 

In the Autumn Term, our topics will be ‘Stone age to Iron age’ and ‘Extreme Earth’. We will be finding out about life in both the Stone age and Iron age periods. We will then be using comparative language to compare these historical periods. We will learn to sequence events or artefacts and where Stone age and Iron age come in a chronological timeline of events. In our ‘Extreme Earth’ topic, we will be finding out about the earth under our feet by describing and understanding key elements of physical geography, such as the earth’s surface. We will then be exploring the earth further by finding about volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and tornados. We will consider the impact these have on people’s lives and investigate what causes them to happen as well as the overall effect they can have.

In the Spring Term, our topics will be ‘Walk like an Egyptian’ and ‘The UK: Come Visit Us!’. In the first topic we will be learning about ancient civilisations and will be looking at representations of the period including museum artefacts. We will be learning how to use a wide range of sources to find out about this period of time and how to use vocabulary to analyse and evaluate the sources we find. In our second topic, we will be looking at Countries and Cities in the UK with a particular focus on London. We will be focusing on analysing evidence and draw conclusions in order to make comparisons on different countries and cities.

In the Summer Term, our topics will be ‘Rainforest Explorers’ and 'World War 2'. The children will find out all about rainforests in the first topic and will gain an understanding of we can find rainforests in the world. We will explore different way we can use maps to locate countries and describe their features. We will describe and understand key aspects of physical geography including climate zones and biomes, as well as the water cycle. We will then focus our study onto The Amazon rainforest, comparing it to Sherwood Forest and identify similarities and differences. Lastly, we will look at the effects humans are having on the rainforest and how we can protect it. In the final topic, we will be focusing on 'World War 2’. The children will learn about the everyday lives of people in this period and will compare this with our lives today. We will study change through the life of significant individuals and will understand the 'World War' as a local historical study.

Malta Class
Malta Class Curriculum Long Term Plan
Medium Term Plan Autumn 1
Medium Term Plan Autumn 2
Medium Term Plan Spring 1
Medium Term Plan Spring 2
Medium Term Plan Summer 1
Medium Term Plan Summer 2