Iceland Class

Welcome to Iceland!

Iceland class is a class of Year 5 children and is taught by Miss Peasley supported by Ms Widgery.


I am really looking forward to teaching the new Year 5 Class. We are going to have lots of fun. We will be learning all about Anglo-Saxons, Romans, our local area, spaces and many more exciting topics! We also have some fun trips and events planned and lots of opportunity for awe and wonder!


In the Autumn term, our topics will be Marvellous Maps and Raging Romans. Our maps topic will encourage children to think about the world around them and teach them some valuable life skills that they will take into adulthood. During their Raging Romans topic, the children will be investigating how lives today have been shaped by Roman experiences and ways of life. 


The Spring term is all about Europe and the Anglo-Saxons. In their European topic, children will learn about different cultures and foods which will link into our British Values and our values of tolerance and respect. When learning about the Anglo-Saxons, the children will go on a journey through history where they will compare the lives of Anglo-Saxons and of ours in the modern era.


In the Summer term, our first topic will be about energy and the environment, thinking specifically about what we can do to help the planet. The children will think about recycling, conservation and how to look after our shores. In our second topic, the children will be learning all about the history Brading! We will get to go on a trip around Brading and learn about the churches, the farms, the museum and even the history of our school!


We are going to have a very exciting year and I can't wait for all of the adventures!