Teaching and Learning

Topic map for 2024 - 2025

Mission Statement for Brading CE Primary School

Become lifelong learners with an active love of learning and be inspired to have high aspirations for their future

Reflect wisely and analyse their personal strengths and weaknesses so that they can make decisions and solve complex problems

Achieve in all subjects in their own way with the right support at the right time by having detailed knowledge across the whole curriculum ready for the next stage in their education

Display diversity and have a sense of global importance and an appreciation of us all being equal but different, understand the world around them and be knowledgeable of different themes and topics of local, national and global importance. 

Incorporate integrity, honesty and a sense of fairness and justice to become great citizens of the future

Never give up as they may not be there … yet

Grow into physically, mentally and emotionally well-balanced, open minded and caring adults who are confident, supportive and able to look after themselves now and in the future. Also at the same time having the personal commitment to action and being sensitive towards others' needs and feelings.


Child Friendly Mission Statement

I will make sure that I:

Become a lifelong learner who loves learning.

Reflect and know my strengths and weaknesses.

Achieve in all subjects.

Differences of everyone are respected.

Inspire each other to be honest, fair and to be a great citizen.

Never give up as I am not there yet.

Grow in all areas to be the best I can be.



At Brading, we aim to unlock each individual child’s potential by being a TEAM that TRUST each other. Our curriculum will provide enriched life experiences which are rooted in the real world. This will enable all of our children to become resilient and independent citizens of the 21st Century.

We seek to challenge children and are aspirational for them by:

  • Providing memorable and enriching experiences both in and out of the classroom
  • Providing a curriculum which is highly relevant and tailored to each child’s individual needs, so that they are all challenged at all levels in all areas of the curriculum
  • Providing valuable learning experience outside of their studies linked to their personal interest
  • Focusing opportunities to play an active part in their learning, so that they have the ability to make informed choices, gain a range of experiences and develop responsibility so that they can succeed in their future lives
  • Teaching children about their developing world and how their environment and society have changed over time
  • Meeting the formal requirements of the National Curriculum and the locally agreed syllabus for religious education by doing the ordinary things exceptionally well. This is so that sufficient knowledge and skills are embedded for future learning and eventually employment
  • Developing the children intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, morally and culturally, so that they have positive attitudes, healthy relationships and essential life and work skills


At Brading, our aim is to make sure that the quality of education is exceptional.

To achieve this we will:

  • Implement a curriculum that is embedded securely and consistently across the whole school.
  • Ensure all staff have a firm and common understanding of the school’s curriculum intent (please see below) and what it means in practice to ensure high quality progress for all our pupils who constantly achieve well - particularly the most disadvantaged. In addition, SEND children will make exceptional achievements.

On a day-to-day basis and over time the curriculum will be:

  • Coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for the children’s future learning and employment.
  • Show high quality content and presentation at all times in the children’s books and reflection on their work.

At the same time, during day-to-day lessons and overtime:

  • Teaching is adapted throughout lessons to ensure that pupils’ understanding is systemically checked, misconceptions are identified during each lesson and clear, direct feedback is given. In so doing, there is not a need for unnecessarily elaborate or individualised approaches. (ie most children, who are not SEND, will not fall behind and need constant catch up or long-term interventions)
  • The work given to the pupils is demanding and matched to the aims of the curriculum and it will be coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge (teach, plan and apply at all levels)
  • All staff will be actively engaged at all time with the children ( i.e break away groups)
  • Assessment is specifically targeted and is used to inform targeted teaching on an ongoing basis i.e changing/adapting what is happening for the children’s learning during a lesson
  • Feedback is undertaken directly in lessons and weekly steps are employed to move learning on rapidly
  • For those that need additional support, the support is well thought out with specific targets that are measurable and show progress on short and long-term progress.

We meet statutory legislation by:

  • Using the National Curriculum to create ‘I Can’ statements that empower and challenge our children.
  • Providing school policies and programmes of learning for Sex and Relationship Education (Christopher Winter Project), RE (Living Difference 3) and Collective Worship.

National Curriculum

A useful link for parents/carers on the National Curriculum is https://www.gov.uk/national-curriculum

Enriching the Curriculum

We will ensure that we enrich our curriculum through each topic - having hooks and inspiring outcomes which will be supported by trips, outreach visits and visitors. We will also endeavour to develop additional experiences for the children through a wide range of extra- curricular activities including phase appropriate after-school clubs, performances, sports events, competitions and enrichment events.

The outcomes for these will include:

By the end of EYFS:

  • All children will have the opportunity to perform as part of a drama production each year.
  • Outdoor learning will be promoted at every opportunity and children will have the chance to explore the beautiful locality in which our school is situated and further afield.
  • All children will take part in Living History experiences.
  • Each class will experience live music, drama each year and watch a film.
  • Each class will take part in one outdoor or adventurous activity each year.

By the End of KS1:

  • All children will take part in the Golden Mile.
  • All children will prepare a dish.
  • Outdoor learning is encouraged at every opportunity and children will have the chance to explore the beautiful locality in which our school is situated and further afield.
  • All children will have the opportunity to perform as part of a drama production each year.
  • Options will be explored to have links with schools on the mainland. 
  • All children will take part in Living History experiences.
  • Each class will experience live music, drama each year and watch a film.
  • Each class will take part in one outdoor or adventurous activity each year.

By the end of KS2:

  • All children will have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument as part of the music curriculum.
  • All children will take part in some sporting activities e.g. golf, games against other schools, sailing.
  • All children will learn to cook a dish by the time they leave our school.
  • All children will have the opportunity to perform as part of a drama production once a year.
  • Outdoor learning is encouraged at every opportunity and children will have the chance to explore the beautiful locality in which our school is situated and further afield.
  • Options will be explored to have links with schools on the mainland.
  • All children will take part in Living History experiences.
  • Each class will experience live music, drama each year and watch a film.
  • Each class will take part in one outdoor or adventurous activity each year.