Jamaica Class |
In the Autumn term, our topics will be exploring the Americas. Our topic will encourage children to think about the world around them and teach them some valuable life skills that they will take into adulthood. During the Americas topic, children will explore the different continents that make up the Americas and explore the different countries within them.
The Spring term is all about Raging rivers. In this topic, the children will explore the different parts of a river and recognise the rivers around the U.K.
In the Summer term, our first topic will be about the Shang. The children will think about the history linked to the Shang and explore the culture in depth.
Jamaica Class |
Jamaica Class Long Term Plan |
Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 |
Medium Term Plan Autumn 2 |
Medium Term Plan Spring 1 |
Medium Term Plan Spring 2 |
Medium Term Plan Summer 1 |
Medium Term Plan Summer 2 |