General Information
- We are open to children from 2 years of age. If you would like more information, please visit our Early Years page:
- Alternatively please see Mrs Stubbs in the school office where she can give you more information.
- We have a breakfast club held every morning from 7:45am and Wrap Around Care which runs until 6pm. These can be booked via SchoolMoney.
- Support our ‘park and walk’ scheme by parking in the Wheatsheaf car park at the start and end of each day. Car park badges are available from the office.
- We are always really busy in the morning but Mrs Wenman will be in the office to assist you with any queries you may have or you can see us after school.
- Dinners need to be ordered and paid for via our SchoolMoney app.
- We are a healthy school, therefore we encourage children to drink water throughout the day. It would help us if your child could bring a water bottle to school filled with water ready for the day and take them home at the end of each day to wash. (Sports bottle lids are preferred, please). Also encourage your child to eat a healthy nutritious lunch!
- We are a NUT FREE school so please do not send in any items containing nuts as we have children and staff who are allergic to nuts.
- Discourage your child from bringing toys to school unless we specifically ask for them. If they are asked to bring anything in, it is their responsibility to take care of it and to ensure it is not broken or lost.
- To encourage and reward positive behaviour we have a Key Points reward system. Your child will be able to earn key points throughout the week for things like: positive behaviour, contributing to lessons, attendance and homework. They will be able to spend their key points in the school shop or save them up for a larger prize.
- Helpers are welcome for hearing readers, theme days or class trips . Please just let us know if you are available to help.
Please click here for information on the school day.