Hawaii Class

Welcome to Hawaii class!

Hawaii class is taught by Miss Ward supported by Miss Gulliver and Miss Mitchell


In the Autumn term, Hawaii Class will be learning about rainforests.  The children will use art, map work and stories to discover what lies within the layers of the rainforests. The children will then learn about World War 2.  We will be looking at artefacts, children during the war and stories to consider the impact on the country.  In science, we will be learning about plants and light.  We will be using scientific enquiry to deepen our knowledge and come to conclusions.  


In the Spring term, our topics will be 'Extreme Earth' and 'Ancient Egyptians'.  The class will be learning about volcanoes, earthquakes and storms and how these impact people and places.  We will try to decide where the safest place would be during a volcano or earthquake giving geographical reasons.  We will then learn about the ancient civilisation and their amazing rituals.  The children will learn about mummification, pharaohs and the pyramids by looking at ancient texts and artefacts.  In science, the children will be learning about rocks, forces and magnets.  


In the Summer term we will be moving onto the UK and Stone Age to Iron Age.  The children will be learning about the human and physical geography of the 4 countries in the United Kingdom.  We will also be considering the cultures within our country and why people choose to travel or live here.  Finally, the children will study the change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age and draw conclusions about why there was a change in resources.  We will learn about how people lived and how they made tools and other resources during these periods.  In Science, we will be learning about forces and magnets and animals including humans.