Hello, my name is Rosie Barnard and I’m the Clerk to the Governing Board at Brading Primary School.

Every school has a clerk to the governing board who is responsible for the administration. The clerk is also there to give legal and procedural advice.  I am your first contact point if you need to contact the governors.

Governors at Brading

For academic year 24/25, there are 8 governors serving on the Governing Board.  Listed below are roles and responsibilities on the Board, their term of office and attendance at meetings.

Committee Structure:

Full Governing Body Committee - Chair Mrs Pat Redfern

Quality, Leadership & Management Committee - Chair Mrs Lin Merwood

Quality of Education Committee - Chair Mr Dave Piggott

Pay Committee - Chair Mr Brian Tyndall

Governing Body

Governing Body Roles and Responsibilities

Declarations of Interest

Governor's Allowance Policy

Governor Attendance 2022 - 2024

2024 - 2025 Governor Scheme of Delegation

Brading CE (Controlled) Governing Body Diversity Indicator Form 2024-2025

We currently have one Governor who also stands on another Governing Board.

There are currently no material interests arising from relationships between Governors or between Governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives).

Who puts them on the Governing Board?

  • Local Authority Governor - Nominated by the Local Authority and voted on by the Governing Board.
  • Parent – A Governor elected to the Governing Board by the parents/carers by nomination and ballot.
  • Staff – A member of staff elected to the Governing Board by school staff by nomination and ballot. The Headteacher is a governor by right of position.
  • Foundation – Nominated by the Diocesan Board of Education in connection with the Church of St. Mary The Virgin in Brading.
  • Co-opted – A Governor voted on by the Governing Board by the virtue of the skills they hold which are of benefit to the school.

Who decides how many governors there should be?

Brading Primary has an Instrument of Governance approved by the Local Authority and in line with legal requirements for the following spaces:

  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 2 Co-opted Governors
  • 2 Staff Governors (including the Headteacher)
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 3 Foundation Governors

When do they meet?

The Governing Board holds Full Governing Board meetings every half term, generally on a Wednesday after school.  New dates are set in the summer term for the following academic year and the dates for 2024-2025 are to be found here.


What do the Committees do?

There is a Leadership and Management committee who meet 5 times during the school year.  The primary functions of this committee are to monitor Headteacher performance, ensure development of the whole workforce (including governor training), to prepare the annual budget and monitor monthly expenditure, be pro-active in all matters connected with the school buildings, grounds and health and safety. 

There is a Quality of Education committee who meet 5 times during the school year.  The primary functions of this committee are to receive and analyse the annual RAISE online data report, to receive reports on pupil progress and scrutinise the evidence of pupil tracing and achievements, to set targets for pupil achievement and attendance, monitor trends and agree actions to address issues of underachievement. 

How can I see what the Governing Board does?

The minutes from meetings are available at the school.  The minutes will tell you what was discussed at a meeting and the actions and decisions taken.

Some items in governors meetings and committees will be confidential to ensure data protection of individual staff and pupils.  These minutes are not available for public scrutiny.

There are opportunities to meet governors at school events, although Governors are unable to discuss matters involving individual children or complaints.  If you have a complaint please follow the complaints policy, available on this website under Statutory Information and Policies or in paper format by request from the school office.

If you would like any further information on the work of the Governing Board, please contact me using rosie.barnard@bradingcepri.iow.sch.uk, or by letter addressed to myself which can be left with the school office.